In this Project, I am giving code for using MinDate and MaxDate for One DateTimepicker Control.The main purpose of this project is selecting a Financial year based on Country.
In my Project , 1 Forms ,One ListBox,One Button,One ComboBox and One DateTimePicker.
Form Name: frmFinancialYear.csListBox: lstFinalcialYear
Button: btncallDateTimePicker:dtpfinanceDateComboBox:CmbCountry
public static string selectedValue;
public static string countryname;
enum CountryName { India, America }
private void frmFinancialYear_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private static string[] Splitvalues(string str)
result= str.Split('-');
return result;
private void countrywisedatevalue(string str,string[] selectedyear)
switch (str)
case "India":
startingYear = "04/01/" + selectedyear[0];
endingYear = "03/31/" + selectedyear[1];
dtpfinanceDate.MinDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startingYear);
dtpfinanceDate.MaxDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endingYear);
dtpfinanceDate.Value = dtpfinanceDate.MinDate;
case "America":
startingYear = "01/01/" + selectedyear[0];
endingYear = "12/31/" + selectedyear[0];
dtpfinanceDate.MinDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startingYear);
dtpfinanceDate.MaxDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endingYear);
dtpfinanceDate.Value = dtpfinanceDate.MinDate;
private void btncall_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
selectedValue = lstFinalcialYear.SelectedItem.ToString();
countryname =CmbCountry.Text;
countrywisedatevalue(countryname, Splitvalues(selectedValue));