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Call Class Function in Module

Call Class Function in Module

In Module(S)
Public Function ResultValue(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As String
        Dim CHelper As CHelper = New CHelper()
        Return "The Result is :" & CHelper.Add(x, y)
    End Function

In Class file
Public Shared Function ResultValue(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As String
        Return "The Module Result" & Module1.Add(x, y)
    End Function

Call Shared Function in VB.net

Call Shared Function in VB.net
To Create Helper Class file in your project.
 Private Shared str As String
 Public Shared Function Subtract(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As String
        str = "The Result:" & x - y
        Return str
 End Function
Call Shared Function 
 MessageBox.Show(CHelper.Subtract(15, 10))
Note: you can't Shared Function in the Module