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Write the basic steps to execute a LINQ query.

The following are the three basic steps to execute a LINQ query:
Obtain the data source (The data source can be either an SQL database or an XML file)
Create a query
Execute the query

Define PLINQ

PLINQ stands for Parallel Language Integrated Query. It is the parallel implementation of LINQ, in which a query can be executed by using multiple processors. PLINQ ensures the scalability of software on parallel processors in the execution environment. It is used where data grows rapidly, such as in telecom industry or where data is heterogeneous.

Features in ADO.Net 2.0

Today, we will see the "ADO.Net 2.0 Features"

  ADO.Net 2.0 Features are

1. Bulk Copy Operation
2. Batch Update
3. Data Paging
4. Connection Details
5. DataSet.RemotingFormat Property
6. DataTable's Load and Save Methods
7. New Data Controls
8. DbProvidersFactories Class
9. Customized Data Provider
10. DataReader's New Execute Methods