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14 Principles on Total Quality Management

Professional Development – Dr W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Principles on Total Quality Management Dr. Demings’s 14 principles
  • Create a constant purpose toward improvement
  • Adopt the new philosophy
  • Cease dependence on mass inspection
  • Use a single supplier for any one item
  • Improve every process
  • Create training on the job
  • Adopt and institute leadership aimed at helping people do a better job
  • Drive out fear
  • Break down barriers between departments
  • Get rid of unclear slogans
  • Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets
  • Permit pride of workmanship
  • Implement education and self-improvement
  • Make transformation everyone’s job

Event In C#

            Event is a kind of Notification(Information) giving one by one object to perform task. Event handling is not possible without delegate because it is delegate who will be responsible to call Event handler which even is fired.