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Use Row_number() in SQL Server

SQL Scenario -I

Table A Table B
Id Id
1 1
2 -
- 3
4 4
Expected Output:
Id Description
1 1 Has both in tables
2 2 Has in A table Only
3 3 Has in B table Only

4 4 Has both in tables.

create view UV_Result
select a.id,a.id + '  ' + 'Has both in tables' as [DESCRIPTION] from table1 a,table2 b where a.id=b.id and a.id<>'-'

Create view UV_TestA
select Distinct id as [TableAID],
      RowNum = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0))
from  table1 a
Create view UV_TestB
 select   id,
     RowNum = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0))
from     table2

create view uv_Final
select id,DESCRIPTION from UV_Result
union ALL
select rownum,CONVERT(varchar(50),CONVERT(bigint,rownum)) +' ' + 'HAS TABLE B'  from UV_TestA where TableAId='-'
select rownum,CONVERT(varchar(50),CONVERT(bigint,rownum)) +' ' + 'HAS TABLE A'  from UV_TestB where Id='-'

select * from uv_Final order by id

Define MVC Action Filters

Define MVC Action Filters
Action Filters are used in cases where we need to perform some logic either before an action method is called or after an action method runs.