VB.Net -- General Questions and Answers:
1. What is VB.NET?
VB.Net is windows based programming language. It
supports oops concept.
2. What is the base class of .net?
System. Object.
3. What is Intermediate Language?
Intermediate Language (MSIL or IL) is the CPU -independent instruction set into
which .Net framework programs are compiled. It contains instructions for
loading, storing initializing, and calling methods on objects.
4. What is Common Language Runtime?
also known as Common Language Run time provides an environment in which program
are executed, it activate object, perform security check on them, lay them out
in the memory, execute them and garbage collect them.
5. What is an
Assembly is the basic building
blocks of the .net framework. They are the logical grouping of the
functionality in a physical file.
6. What are the advantages of an assembly?
Increased performance. Better code
management and encapsulation. It also introduces the n-tier concepts and
business logic.
7. What is Code Access Security?
CAS - Code Access Security is the
part of the .NET security model that determines whether or not a piece of code
is allowed to run, and what resources it can use when it is running.
8. What is the use of internal keyword?
Internal keyword is one of the access specifier available in .Net framework,
that makes a type visible in a given assembly, for e.g : a single dll can
contain multiple modules.
9. What are class
access modifiers?
Access modifiers are keywords used to specify the declared accessibility
of a member or a type. This section introduces the four access modifiers:
Public, Protected, Internal,
Protected inertnal, Private.
10. What is portable
The file format used for
executable programs and for files to be linked together to form executable
11. What is tracing?
Tracing refers to collecting
information about the application while it is running. You use tracing information
to troubleshoot an application.
12. What is
Serialization is the process of
converting an object into a stream of bytes.
De-serialization is the opposite process of creating an
object from a stream of bytes.
Serialization/De-serialization is mostly used to transport
13. How a base class
method is hidden?
Hiding a base class method by
declaring a method in derived class with keyword new. This will override the
base class method and old method will be suppressed.
14. What is the use of JIT?
JIT (Just - In - Time) is a
compiler which converts MSIL code to Native Code (ie. CPU-specific code that
runs on the same computer architecture).
15. Which method do you invoke on the Data
Adapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
() method is used to fill load the data in dataset.
16. What is the purpose of an Assembly?
An assembly controls many aspects
of an application. The assembly handles versioning, type and class scope, security
permissions, as well as other metadata including references to other assemblies
and resources. The rules described in an assembly are enforced at runtime.
17. What is Authentication and
Authentication is the process of
identifying users. Authentication is identifying/validating the user against
the credentials (username and password).
Authorization performs after authentication. Authorization
is the process of granting access to those users based on identity.
Authorization allowing access of specific resource to user.
18. What are the
types of Authentication?
are 3 types of Authentication.
Windows authentication
Forms authentication
Passport authentication.
19. What is a Literal Control?
The Literal control is used to
display text on a page. The text is programmable. This control does not let you
apply styles to its content.
20. What is
All .NET compilers produce
metadata about the types defined in the modules they produce. This metadata is
packaged along with the module (modules in turn are packaged together in
assemblies), and can be accessed by a mechanism called reflection.
21. What is an Application Domain? How they
get created?
An Application Domain can be
thought of as a lightweight processes controlled by the .Net runtime.
Application Domains are usually created by hosts like Windows Shell, ASP.NET
and IE. When you run a .NET application from the command-line, the host is the
Shell. The Shell creates a new Application Domain for every application.
22. How do you
convert a string into an integer in .NET?
23. What
is the use of Error Provider Control?
The Error Provider control is used
to indicate invalid data on a data entry form.
24. What
does assert() method do?
In debug compilation,
assert takes in a Boolean condition as a parameter, and shows the error dialog
if the condition is false. The program proceeds without any interruption if the
condition is true.
What are Option Strict and Option Explicit?
generally allows implicit conversion of any data types. In order to avoid data
loss during data type conversion, Option Strict keyword is used and it ensures
compile time notification of these types of conversions.
Explicit is the keyword used in a file to explicitly declare all variables
using declare keywords like Dim, Private, Public or Protected. If undeclared
variable name persists, an error occurs at compile time.
26. What is ReDim
keyword and its use?
keyword is exclusively used for arrays and it is used to change the size of one
or more dimensions of an array that has been already declared. Redim can free
up or add elements to an array whenever required.
Dim intArray(7,
7) As
ReDim Preserve intArray(7,
ReDim intArray(7,
What is HashTable?
HashTable is set to be items with
key and value pairs. Keys are referred as indexes and quick search can be
performed for values by searching through the keys.